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It is for sure and very satisfying for all employers to monitor the activities and productivity of their employees in and out of the workplace. However, as we all know everything in this universe has a side of pros with it and a side of cons with it. Similarly, the Work Examiner software for employee monitoring or any other such software has a degree of pros and cons. Down below we will discuss some major pros and cons of this monitoring software.

Pros of employee monitoring software:  

  • Increases the efficiency of the Employer:

The most important aspect of employee monitoring is that it helps the employer to know exactly what his/her subordinates are working or not working at. The software shows exactly when did the employees start working on the PC, when they took a break, and when did they get back to work again.

Moreover, it tracks down the exact time spent on each website by the employee, and also the time for which the employee was completely inactive. It basically gives the employer an upper hand and easy handling.

  • It helps to track the productivity rate:

The MIT research says that it is enough to tell an employee that their work is being monitored and you would see a rise of 7% in their productivity instantly. The monitoring software enables an option to even detect the un-motivated and procrastinating staff. Moreover, the software provides the daily reports of the employees within 5 minutes with just one click. The rate of productivity is directly related to the kind of work and atmosphere of the company. Hence, this software ensures a fully productive set of employees. 

  • Helps in the overall security of the company:

One of the most important uses of employee monitoring software is to prevent any sort of internal theft to the company or any sort of suspicious activity against the company. The software keeps a check on the downloads made by the employee during the course of the day. It prevents the monitor of the employee to make any such downloads that might affect the data of the company or cause harm to the company.


The usage of employee monitoring software without informing the employees might give the employers access to their personal data such as credit card details, personal passwords, sexual orientation, and many more such things. Moreover, no matter how much an employer asks the employee not to open his/her messenger there are chances that he/she may ignore this. Therefore, the authority might come across certain personal chats of the employee which are not meant to be seen.

To avoid any such condition, it is best to brief the employees about the working of the software beforehand in a detailed manner.

  • Potential Trust Breakdowns:

It is quite possible that a trust break happens when your employees come to know that they are being monitored thoroughly regarding their work and assignments. The reaction is quite natural as no one likes to be monitored. There are possibilities that the employees feel less dedicated towards their work as they would have in mind that their commitment to the company was always doubted.

It is always best to brief the employees about the software in a detailed manner beforehand so that they have no further problem in sharing the data required and also no data is shared from their PCs without their prior knowledge.

Therefore, it is always very necessary to get briefed about the pros and cons of everything that we plan to involve in our lives. Make sure to remember these few pros and cons of employee monitoring software so that no negative consequences arise.