
What should be the functions of the tax advisor in Bangkok?

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The tax advisor must be more than the professional who saves you to pay less taxes. But, the advisor who gets his client to pay less to the treasury is not always better because in many cases, if that lower payment does not conform to tax laws, the consequences for the taxpayer can be very expensive in the long run.

Functions that a tax advisor should know and perform

Within the tax advisory there are various types of advisors, from those who limit themselves to completing tax settlements, to those that offer a comprehensive advisory service. The functions to be performed by an advisor who wants to offer a comprehensive advisory service to his clients are the following –

  • Tax advice, and planning within the framework of tax regulations, and in defense of the interests of taxpayers.
  • Provide specific information, assistance, and representation to taxpayers in their relations with the Tax Administration to enforce the rights of taxpayers.
  • Contrast, and manage information and knowledge in tax matters, through the use and management of tax databases.
  • Analyze the legal-tax reality to choose the best solutions to certain problems, making optimal decisions within the established deadlines.
  • Completion of tax settlements in a timely manner.
  • Provide taxpayers a detailed analysis of tax regulations, and the interpretation, and administrative action applicable to the specific case object of the advice.
  • Identify tax responsibilities related to the incorrect qualification of operations, and the breach of formal and material tax obligations.
  • Advice regarding the taxable event of customs duties through the knowledge of its regulation in general, and in particular on the special regulation of the different suspension customs regimes.
  • Advice on local taxes, and assigned to the autonomous communities to apply a tax optimization methodology for the taxpayer.
  • Proper fiscal planning in relation to the transfer of assets, and rights of taxpayers, the succession of natural persons or the structure, and composition of personal assets.

Conclusion: Do you really need a pro for this?

The good tax advisor will always seek to optimize the tax burden of his client, but always within the law. Avoiding risks that end up creating serious disorders to his clients which in many cases also undermine his public image. This is why exactly, you need to hire the professional Accounting Bangkok service which not only saves your tax burden, but follows every law so that you don’t end up being in the jail. You can consult with the best tax professional online any time.