
It Is Worth It To Hire Young Talent?

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With their natural talent forsocial media, technology, and creativity millennials are some of the most ambitious employees in the workforce. They are entrepreneurial in spirit and ready for success — traits that make them ideal candidates for any business.

To attractthe next generation of employees, business owners and managers should look beyond the obvious perks to more resourceful and originalbenefits. Continue on to understand why you should hire young talent and how to appeal to them.

Valuable Traits of Young Professionals

1. Digital Smarts

Being the first generation to be raised alongside the Internet and other high-tech advancements, millennials are digital natives. They are in tune with a majority of social media platforms and many can edit a website with ease. Gen Yers couldact as brand ambassadors for your business and further expandyour online presence.

Additionally, their inherent understanding of technology gives them an edge over those who may not be as accustomed with countlesssocial media channels and computer programs. These young minds can ensure that your business maximizes the latest tech to better marketability, productivity,and efficiency.

2. Fresh Point of View

Millennialsgrew up in a world of rapid change and instant information. They often search new solutions to old problems and canbring fresh ideas into the workplace. If you hire young talent, you will take on an employee who knows how to adapt to a wide variety of situations. Welcoming the next generationcan provide your businessan invigorating perspective,encouraging growth mindset and innovation.

3. Highly Educated

As possibly the best-educated generation to enter the workforce, millennials can provide far more to your business than just a proficiency for social media. Many young professionals haveuniversity degrees, certifications and advanced training, which makes them some of the most qualified employees in the market. This level of skill can be utilized for good use for your company, as millennials have proven they are willing to grow and learn.

How to Attract Millennials

As more young people enter the workforce, it’s vital for companies to engage with this age group and extend competitive advantages. Here are some suggested work benefits that will make millennials consider your next job offer.

1. Student Loan Aid

Consideringthe average graduateis joining the job market with more than $40,000 in student loan debt, it is no surprise that repayment assistance is an attractive benefit. For many young employees,paying off an undergraduate degree is a priority. Adopting this useful and uniqueworkplace benefit is highly sought-after and will likely set you apart from competitors.

2. In-Office Wellness

Millennials have a deeperunderstanding of their well-being and mental healththan their predecessors. They aim to keep themselves psychologically, emotionally and physically fit. This means a company that provides holistic wellness programs such as free gym memberships, yoga, dietary consultations and stress management may be more appealing. Providingdiscounted or free healthy snacks throughout the workday is another plus with the younger crowd.

3. Flexible Work

More than earlier generations, millennialsdesire a healthy work-life balance. Some evensee no reason to be in the office everyday if they can be just as productive from home. For this reason, many of them are specifically search forremote work options that allow them to balancework and personal schedules more efficiently.

Offering this perkcouldeven increase retention among your young employees. It also conveystrust and confidence that young professionals value.

4. Learning and Career Development

Many millennials are stillin the early stages of their careers. They want to grow and learn as much as possible, which is why training and development is another top priority when searching for a new job.

By providing career development initiatives, you could attract the most ambitious, hard-workingprofessionals to join your company. Promoting a culture of learning also incites a sense of purpose for the next generation, which could help inspire them and push your establishmentfurther.

Implementing unique work benefits could better your appeal to the beliefs and attitudes of this talented group of employees. For more information on creative benefits guaranteed to attract millennials, see the accompanying infographic.

Infographic provided by The Jacobson Group