What comes into your mind when you think about interior design? Chances are that commercial interior design in Singapore is not the first thing to pop into your mind. There may be many things, but for most, we often conjure up images of beautiful living spaces, grand mansions, beautiful bedrooms, and other parts of the house. What most people are familiar with is the residential interior design that involves apartments, houses, condominiums, and the like. After all, interior design is all about personalisations that can help make your homes more beautiful, right?
While that may be true, there is so much more to interior design than that. It’s not just about creating aesthetically pleasing areas that fit your preferences. In many cases, interior design can be about functionality or efficiency and covers a broader scope than what we are familiar with.
Interior design: residential and commercial
Disregard first the notion that interior design only applies to homes. In reality, that is only a small portion of what interior design really is. Think about it– there are many types of places and buildings with interiors, so why would only homes need good interior design services as well? For example, have you ever thought about the interiors of places such as malls or hotel lobbies? They both fall under the category of commercial interiors.
Yes, residential interior design still makes up a good chunk of what we need, but a good deal of work and planning goes into creating public or business interiors that work well and still look beautiful. That’s what commercial interior design is– the study and practice of creating commercial spaces. Most of the time, commercial or corporate interior design in Singaporeis much more complicated than residential interior design because there are many more needs and requirements that you need to take into account.
What falls under commercial interior design?
But what we know of as “commercial areas” don’t just mean your average office building or retail outlets. There are many unexpected places that fall under the category of commercial interior design that may not be as obvious. Here are a few examples of commercial interiors that benefit from the services of a specialist interior designer:
Hospitals. Yes, even public hospitals are run like a business, and hospitals need skilled interior designers for help in designing rooms that can house their medical equipment and other things.
Government buildings. For example, city halls, courtrooms, etc. Government buildings also have offices for officials that need to be designed. They rely on commercial designers to create beautiful interiors for the sake of both the workers and the people who need to visit them.
Restaurants. Restaurant interior design is a lucrative industry because many businesses pay good money for fantastic restaurant interiors. Restaurants’ dining spaces can affect profitability because interiors have an influence on dining experiences.
Airports. Airports are a place where businesses can congregate and sell to a variety of customers. With millions of people visiting our busiest airport each year, it’s a lucrative source of income that shouldn’t be overlooked. That’s why many experienced interior designers have played a part in making airport interiors some of the best you’ve seen in the industry.
Schools, universities, or other educational institutions. Just like government buildings, there are many schools and universities that aren’t for profit, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need the help of a skilled interior designer to help them design their spaces. They need to take into account the needs of hundreds or even thousands of students.
Factories and other research facilities. Businesses need to research and manufacture their products, and there are other ways research facilities are utilised. Sometimes, these facilities can even be dangerous. There are many safety needs that business owners need to mind so their employees are unharmed.
Commercial interior design firms in Singapore can be thought of as specialists that focus on creating public spaces that are used by multiple people. Commercial interior design can be differentiated from residential spaces by the fact that commercial spaces are public or meant to be used by many people for purposes other than living or personal purposes. Residential spaces are to be used only by clients or their loved ones.
Planning to create a commercial space?

Got plans for a retail store renovation office interior design project in Singapore? The requirements of each commercial space will differ depending on the type of project you need to work on. So when looking for design services, look for an interior designer who has experience in designing the type of commercial space you have.
Expect that commercial interior design will be pricier than residential commercial design because there are more things you need to take into account. While residential interior design focuses more on the personal preferences of the client, commercial interior design is more about taking into consideration the best requirements for the masses. As a business owner, you need to consider the needs of multiple individuals, from your workers to your customers. You need to ensure your space is appealing and appropriate for those who use it, and you also need to consider the space requirements of your equipment.
This is why commercial interior design is so much more difficult than most residential interior design projects because there are so many more variables in place aside from people’s preferences. It also means that if you want it to be done correctly, you should find a specialised designer.
Choosing the best interior designer for you
It’s simple. Just remember to do your research. There are many companies in Singapore that offer office interior design services and other commercial services. If your business is part of a specific industry, check if your company has experience with your niche. You can see whether they are qualified by asking them and browsing their portfolio.
Aegro Interior Studio is a firm providing office or restaurant interior design in Singapore.Contact us to know more about our services.